I want to start writing being profound, thought provoking, amazing even. What I came up with was Mugwumpus. Casey Mugwumpus was a dog that belonged to my Great Aunt Dot. He was sweet, but dumb as a brick. By no means am I dumb, but I do love the humor of being human. I'd like to say that my take on the world is unique, but I'm sure there are many more out there that have the same thoughts. I'm wondering how many times that I can type and erase before my fingers give out. The stress of blogging may do me in!
I promise to always say what I'm thinking, real or imaginary. Sarcasm is guaranteed. I hope that my journey will help someone in some way, because if we aren't in this together, why the heck are we here?
For now, I leave you with this thought.....Mugwumpus.